Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation
Cardiac rehab has three equally important parts:

Monitored Exercise and Exercise Counseling
Exercise gets your heart pumping and your entire cardiovascular system working. You’ll learn how to get your body moving in ways that promote heart health.

Education for heart-healthy living
A key element of cardiac rehab is understanding how your lifestyle choices impact your heart and you can manage your risk factors.

Counseling to reduce stress
Stress negatively impacts your heart. Speaking with someone who can help you identify and eliminate (or reduce) sources of everyday stress can be beneficial.

Sullivan County Community Hospital
Location address - 2200 N. Section St,
Sullivan, IN 47882
Location phone - (812) 268-4311
Visit Location
Sullivan County Community Hospital
Location address - 2200 N. Section St,
Sullivan, IN 47882
Location phone - (812) 268-4311
View Location
Sullivan County Community Hospital
Location address - 2200 N. Section St,
Sullivan, IN 47882
Location phone - (812) 268-4311
View LocationFrequently Asked Questions
Where is the Cardiac Rehab (CR) department at SCCH?
The Cardiac Rehab Department is located inside of SCCH. Enter through the main hospital doors to be directed by the rotunda attendant.
Do I need a referral from my provider to participate in Cardiac Rehab?
Yes! And don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself. If your provider forgets to ask you about CR, ask him or her if you would be a good candidate.
Am I too old for CR?
Cardiac Rehab is about quality of life right now! It doesn’t matter if you are 48 or 88, you can improve your “right now” life.